Russian traffic police officers conduct a lesson on road safety with sports section pupils
Traffic police inspectors of the OMVD of Russia for the city of Novosibirsk held a lesson on the basics of the SDA with воспитанниками sports section
The event was held on the basis of the GU TO Novosibirsk region "Novosibirsk CADET boarding school"
Employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the OMVD of Russia for the city of Novosibirsk held a preventive lesson for young athletes of the sports section. The event was attended by about 30 pupils.
The State traffic inspector reminded the children of the basic rules of the road and safe behavior on the roads. The guys learned how to properly cross the roadway, which traffic signals exist and what they mean. The traffic police officer showed the children road signs and explained their meaning.
The traffic police inspector also reminded the children of the importance of wearing retroreflective elements on their clothes when moving along the roadway in the dark. At the end of the event, the employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate presented the children with thematic memos and wished them to always follow the rules of the road.